Lasting Power of Attorney

A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you (the ‘donor’) to appoint one or more people (the ‘donee’) to help you make decisions on your behalf.

Making an LPA gives you more control over what happens to you, if you ever lose the mental capacity to make your own decisions.

A lack of mental capacity could happen due to:

  • advanced dementia
  • a mental health illness
  • a coma
  • unconsciousness caused by an illness or medical treatment.

The LPA only goes into effect you lose mental capacity and your condition has been verified by a registered medical practitioner.

You must be 21 or over and have the mental capacity (the ability to make your own decisions) when you make your LPA.

There are 2 types of powers:

  • personal welfare
  • property and affairs

In the event that you lose mental capacity, your donee(s) will represent you in making decisions for your personal welfare, your property and affairs or both.

How to make a lasting power of attorney

  • Choose your donee (you can have more than one)
  • Fill in the forms to make an LPA
  • Find an LPA certificate issuer
  • Register your LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian

It costs between $25 and $80 to get your LPA certified by an LPA certificate issuer. Most charge around $50 for the service, though charges will vary depending on the applicant’s needs.

The application fees for the LPA Form 1 will be waived for Singapore citizens until 31 March 2026 when you register your LPA.

You can change or cancel your LPA if you change your mind or want to make a new one.

Who can make a Lasting Power of Attorney?

To make a lasting power of attorney, you must:

  • be at least 21 years old
  • have the mental capacity and ability to make your own decisions
  • not be an undischarged bankrupt if you wish to make an LPA for property and affairs matters

You must register your LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian for it to be legally valid.

Personal welfare powers

Use this LPA to give your donee the power to make decisions about things like your:

  • daily care decisions, for example washing, dressing, eating
  • medical care
  • living arrangements, for example moving into or out of a care home

Property and affairs powers

Use this LPA to give your donee the power to make decisions about money and property for you, for example:

  • accessing your bank account to pay for your care
  • paying bills and taxes on your behalf
  • handling your property
  • investing your money
  • making monetary gifts on your behalf

LPA Process

Step 1: Consultation

The first session of your LPA Process with our consultants through Zoom Meeting, will cover the roles and duties of a Donee(s) and decide the person most suited to be your Donee(s). Any type of concerns and issues should be brought up during the session so that solutions can be provided for the roles and duties allocated. Thereafter, you will also be guided on how to draft the online LPA form via

Step 2: Completing the Digital LPA form 1


Our consultants will then meet up with your Donees via zoom or Face-toFace (preferably in one session) to:

  1. Explain the expectations and responsibilities as a Donee;
  2. Assist you with  LPA form 1 documentation;
  3.  No cost/ charge involved.

Step 3: Certification by Accredited Medical Practitioner

When completing your LPA, the LPA Form 1 will have to be witnessed and certified by an LPA certificate issuer. Any one of the following professionals in Singapore can be the certificate issuer for your LPA:

  1. A) a medical practitioner accredited by the Public Guardian;
  2. B) a practising lawyer*; or
  3. C) a registered psychiatrist

The LPA certificate issuer will acknowledge on the LPA Form 1 to certify that the Donor has the mental capacity to make an LPA – he understands the purpose of the LPA and the scope of authority granted to Donees. The LPA certificate issuer also ensures that there is no fraud or undue influence used to induce the Donor to make the LPA.

Donor must login to OPGO web portal to accept the donor appointment before the LPA form 1 certifation.

Our Accredited Medical Practitioner will help each Donor to certify their LPAs and/or AMD at their given timeslot.  

Process Conclusion

Meet with us to complete the Care Plan as well as the Letter of Intent.

The Letter of Intent is not a legal binding document, however it is a detailed document that allows your Donee(s) to understand how you would like your assets, properties and affairs to be taken care of. Apart from that, it will also take the load of your Donee(s) as all the information will be easily accessed. This will be helpful for them and yourself as it is a good way for you to organise your matters while still having the mental capacity to do so.